Our Services
Ghana Union Assurance
Enrolling you on a cover
Our core service is to provide industry top level policies and enroll you on per your personal and business needs.
Facilitating claim process
Without any drama, delay or prolonging we help you get your appropriate settlements just in time.
Great support
Giving you live support as soon as you need it through our live support system.
Insurance Services
GUA provides various insurance services to our customers.
Travel insurance
Our travel insurance policy provides cover to travelers against medical and other expenses, acute sickness, personal accident, repatriation of insured’s corpse or ashes to Ghana, loss of baggage, injury, etc.
Marine Cargo Insurance
Our cargo insurance caters for loss of or damage to goods at sea. It compensates owners of merchandise for losses in excess of those which can be legally recovered from the carriers. Losses may include fire, shipwreck, storm, etc.
Marine-Hull Insurance
Our marine hull policy covers loss or damage to ships, fishing vessels, crafts and their machinery. The policy also caters for legal liabilities to property damages and injuries.
Bid Bonds
This is a bond given to insureds who want to tender for projects. The Bond guarantees the Employer that the Bidder will remain in the bidding process until the Contract is awarded.
It may also be triggered when the Principal cannot provide subsequent bonds foreseen in their contract with the Employer.
liability Insurance
This insurance policy is designed to protect the Insured in respect of legal liability for bodily
injury to third parties and any loss of or damage to third party property arising out of and in connection with the insured’s business.
Money Insurance
This policy provides cover against loss of money in transit by the insured or its authorised employees and cash collection agents or sub-contractors caused by robbery, theft or any other fortuitous cause. The policy also covers loss of money in vault/safe or hold-up occasioned by burglary or robbery. Cover is on 24-hour basis.
Fidelity Insurance
This insurance compensates the insured in respect of any fraudulent act committed by any employee leading to pecuniary loss discovered during the period of insurance or within six months after termination of employment or expiry of the policy.
Group Personal and Personal
The Group Personal Accident Policy is a 24-hour cover designed to protect the Insured’s workforce against accidental death or bodily injuries (Permanent or temporary disablement). Cover includes medical expenses necessarily incurred for treatment following an accident as defined in the policy.